BCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations

We are seeking nominations for the BCMA Council (board of directors) for 2024.

Each year, members in good standing of the BC Museums Association (BCMA) can nominate themselves or another member to stand for election for the BCMA Council (our board of directors). Nominees will be presented for election at the Annual General Meeting, to be held online on October 23, 2024.

To learn more about our board, the recruitment process, and frequently asked questions, please visit our website.

Please note, this form allows for the nomination of yourself or another individual; please only complete the section relevant to your nomination.



Are you or is the person you are nominating a BCMA member in good standing?*

I am nominating myself

Complete the following questions if you are nominating yourself for the BCMA Council.




Organization (if any):


Please provide a brief (maximum 250 words) biographical statement outlining your background, work, and interest in the BCMA. Alternatively, you could upload a brief (under 2 minutes) biographical video or audio statement below.


Optional: biographical video or audio statement
Select Files

I am nominating someone else

Complete the following questions if you are nominating someone else for the BCMA Council.




Organization (if any):


Please provide contact email and/or phone number so the BCMA team can contact the nominee for a statement.