Wednesday, April 14, 2021

12:00noon – 1:00pm PDT

Did our 'From Very Bad to Very Good: Improving Survey Design in BC Cultural Institutions' webinar leave you wanting more? Have a few questions that you'd like to chat about? Passionate about evaluation and surveys? Join the BCMA and Jessica McQuiggan for this informal chat on surveys and evaluation - bring your questions! 


Jessica McQuiggan managed research and evaluation at Science World in Vancouver for nearly three years and is a member of the Visitor Studies Association. As an enthusiastic data nerd with a PhD in cognitive psychology, she firmly believes that people don’t hate doing surveys - they just dislike filling out poorly-designed surveys.


This will be an informal Q & A session so feel free to have your video on and unmute yourself to ask your questions live.

Improving Survey Design in BC Cultural Institutions - Q&A

  • April 14, 2021