We invite you to join us for an Intercultural Alliance workshop, Building An Action Plan, on March 4, 2024 at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

We will convene in a safe space to explore action plans that respond to key challenges that we all face in community-based arts, cultural, and heritage work, and intercultural collaborations. 

Please click the "register" button to RSVP. You will be asked for the names, emails, dietary requirements and accessibility needs of participants joining us from your organization. 


Please note: Registration for this workshop is hosted through the BCMA website. If you've never registered for a BCMA activity before, you may be asked for an address - no further billing information will be required.

2024 Intercultural Alliance Workshop: Building An Action Plan

  • March 4, 2024
  • Vancouver Art Gallery
    750 Hornby Street
    Vancouver, British Columbia
    V6Z 2H7