BCMA Strategic Plan Town Hall


Thursday, March 14, 2024
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PT

In consultation with our members, partners, and community, the BC Museums Association has developed a bold new strategic plan for 2024-2029. In this special online town hall, learn how the new strategic plan will help to create space for BCMA members to engage in meaningful, courageous dialogue and equitable actions. Join BCMA Council members and learn about the Association’s updated values, new strategic priorities, and our reimagined plan to help the arts, culture, and heritage sector thrive.


Registration is free and open to anyone interested in the BCMA or passionate about BC’s arts, culture, and heritage sector.


To read the new strategic plan, please visit: https://museum.bc.ca/brain/bc-museums-association-strategic-plan-2024-2029/


We hope to have time in the town hall to discuss the new strategic plan with attendees and respond to questions.


BCMA Strategic Plan Town Hall

  • March 14, 2024