Do you want to make the most of your conference experience and connect with more museums, heritage sites, and cultural spaces in the Capital Region? Join your peers, hop on the Community Action Bus, and keep the conference fun going a little bit longer!


Join us at the Sidney Museum & Archives

Chat to the curator and team, find out more about their popular annual Lego exhibit and get one last chance to see their current travelling exhibition. ‘The Little Black Dress’, on loan from the Costume Museum of Canada, offers a fascinating glimpse at how the little black dress as a garment has evolved throughout the 20th century, and examines how this evolution has been reflected in the changing roles and perceived place of women in society from 1910-1980.

The Sidney Museum is located in the downtown core of the beautiful seaside town of Sidney and in walking distance to the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea.


Date & Time: November 4, bus departing from the Royal BC Museum at 10:00am
(bus is planned to arrive back in Victoria at 2:00pm)


Cost: $29 (includes return transportation to Sidney and light refreshments)


Tip: If you are departing from either the Victoria International Airport or Swartz Bay Ferry, joining this field trip and taking a taxi from Sidney will get you much closer and save you a significant amount of money!

Post-Conference Field Trip Sidney

  • November 4, 2022
  • 2423 Beacon Ave
    Sidney, British Columbia
    V8L 1X5